Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Puppy love

We've had our new puppy, Lily, for over a month now. She's a miniature dachshund, short haired, red colored, absolutely adorable. She is a very loving animal, and her bark is cute (at least it is so far as she doesn't bark too much), she is very playful (especially after 9 PM when we're trying to get her to wind down for sleep) but we are having some problems housetraining her (it's difficult to take her out when the snow is almost as tall as her), she is also biting a lot (even while I'm typing this post, my left hand has bitten a couple of times already) but the biting isn't very hard it's mostly her being playful.

I am going to buy some obedience/training classes so that Steve can take her to get trained. She needs the basics, except knowing her name - she already knew that when she came home with us. We picked out her name right after Thanksgiving and told the breeder what we had chosen. The breeder and her family started calling her Lily from that time on so she knew her name when we picked her up.

She is getting bigger every day and in less than a month she will be going in to the Vet's office to be fixed, microchipped and have her dew claws removed (they just get in the way and could possibly cause injuries). We have fallen completely and totally in love with her, as have most our family members. The first night we had her Steve and I had concert tickets (Voicemale in Ogden) and didn't want to leave her alone for her first she was "puppysat" by my mom, Missee and Violet.